Absolute Essentials for Marketing Anything



Marketing anything can sap your energy and be an exercise in frustration and ego deflation. Focus on what’s important; that starts with a brand. A brand is much more than a name and logo. A good brand communicates a clear message about who you are, what you stand for, and how you stand out.

The more consistent your messaging is, the more consistent your branding is — whether that’s words, aesthetics, offerings, or perspective. Your brand should build awareness and develop trust and loyalty with the people you want to engage with. “Know, Like and Trust,” as they say.


Your mission is the objective of the marketing efforts. Be as precise as possible with your goals. Make sure they’re measurable: how will you determine success? Ask yourself: are you set up to make your goal happen? Is it doable in your timeline? Time-Specificity is crucial. Tasks without due dates don’t get done.


You’ve got to figure out who your audience is. Maybe it’s the literary manager at the theatre you’re submitting your script to, or the casting personnel at the opera company you’re auditioning for, or the patrons sitting in your crowded venue waiting for the curtain to rise.

It’s about making them the hero. Not you! Your audience has a problem. Be the solution (the collaborator they need, the event they should attend).


You’re not telling your story in a vacuum, so you need to assess the context to see what’s working for you and what’s working against you. What are the risks? These are factors external to your efforts — and beyond your control — that impact your success. Don’t be in denial, plan accordingly! What external factors are potential sources of growth for you? Where can you honestly improve, and what can you delegate to others? What do you do well? What are you an expert at?


What are your channels? Figure out what makes sense for you and your goals. Is it just social media? Is it a comprehensive strategy of digital, print, and on-the-ground efforts? Leave room for trial and error and testing, and give yourself enough time for these channels to pay off and reach critical mass.

What’s your budget? That’s another blog for another day, but simply put, you need a marketing budget if you want anyone to pay attention to what you’re doing.


It’s important to know how to measure your results. Do you want butts in seats? Then you should look at click-thru rates on your marketing pieces and ticket sales. If you're hoping to grow brand awareness or subscribers, then measure website visits, downloads, and email open rates. The results that matter must align directly with your mission. Pay attention and revise your strategy. 


Our attention spans have evolved, but we pay attention as long as the content is compelling enough to overcome all the constant stimuli. In Death of a Salesman, Linda Loman says at her husband Willy’s grave, “Attention must be paid.” How did Arthur Miller get us to pay attention? What makes his content so compelling? It’s story. Great story. Lead with that.


A Good Old-Fashioned Q&A


You asked. (Frequently!) We answered:

What exactly does Open Sky Artists do?

We offer innovative strategic guidance and an expansive range of in-house branding, booking, marketing, design, and creative services to creative professionals in the performing arts. We build your brand and audiences while you do what you love.

What makes Open Sky Artists unique?

Unlike agencies that only secure bookings offer advice, we are a one-stop shop for getting things done. Our clients have the flexibility to work with us on a yearly basis or project-to-project, and because every client is different, our plans are highly customized. Our love for out-of-the-box thinking and relationship building means we know how to find opportunities in hidden places.

We are working artists with business expertise, so we understand the value of investing in our art; we get what you need because we do what you do. And if booking more gigs is what you’re after, good news: we don't charge commissions, and we’re not exclusive. 

What are your company values? 

Integrity, excellence, diversity, creativity, individuality, and adaptability. We are transparent and trustworthy. We celebrate the things that make us different. We are seriously committed to our clients’ satisfaction. Read more about our core beliefs here.

What kinds of clients do you serve?

We serve artists and the institutions that rely on them — wherever they are. Our current client base is comprised of freelancers, creative professionals, and arts organizations throughout the United States. 

What does being a client actually mean?

Guidance, direction, and focus! Clients have access to our wide range of in-house design, branding, booking, marketing, and creative services. You’ll connect with our ever-growing network and benefit from highly customized strategic guidance and industry know-how. If you’re an institutional client, we’ll function as an extension of your team. Your goals are our goals — even when they change.

What services do you provide?

Logos, marketing campaigns, websites, press releases, and promotional print — to name a few. If you’re interested, you can read a pretty comprehensive list of our services here.

Do you design websites?

Heck yes we do! We also redesign existing websites that just need some love. See what else we do here.

Can I do some of the services you offer myself?

Of course! We want you to do what you love — and outsource the rest to us.

What if I need help with something that’s not on your list of services?

Talk to us! We are constantly learning new skills and meeting new people. If we aren’t able to help you out, we will find you someone who can.

What will it cost me?

Our projects can cost a couple hundred bucks or a couple thousand — it truly just depends on what you need! Clients who commit to a year-round Everest Plan save on our services. Schedule a call and let’s talk about what you want to achieve!

Do you guarantee artists a certain number of bookings?

We have an ever-growing network of arts organizations and presenters across the United States. While we can’t guarantee that you’ll land a gig, we promise that you’ll have a strong digital presence that positions you for success — and we’ll work together to evolve the strategy for better success.

How do you measure results?

We measure results based on your particular, evovling goals. We look at every aspect of your project to make sure you receive the best quality guidance and services for your investment.

Other questions? Schedule a call.

They Say the Neon Lights Are Bright

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Founded by Tony Award-winning Broadway producer Ken Davenport, The Producer’s Perspective Super Conference is a gathering of the world’s top theatrical talent for a weekend of education, inspiration and connection — and half of the Open Sky Artists team will be there November 16 and 17, 2019!

Broadway is changing, which has ripple effects for the theatrical community across the country and even the world. At the Super Conference, hundreds of the world’s smartest creators descend upon New York City to learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s actually working and trending right now.

Our very own CEO and Founder Lori Rosolowsky has been invited to give a talk on How to Market Your Project, and our client Justin Guarini will showcase his humor and charm as the weekend’s emcee.


Other notable guests and speakers for the conference include Heidi Schreck (Pulitzer Prize Finalist What the Constitution Means to Me), Joe Iconis (Be More Chill), Ken Davenport (Once on this Island, Spring Awakening), Itamar Moses (The Band’s Visit), and Bartlett Sher (To Kill A Mockingbird, My Fair Lady). See the full list here. Panels will include Navigating the Collaborative Process, The Art of Pitching to Producers, and Getting Your Work Produced Across the Country — to name a few.

This conference is perfect for:

  • Playwrights of all levels wanting to get their script in top shape, in the hands of people who can make a difference in their career, and on a stage.

  • Producers who want to find projects that will succeed, bring together a team, and get a show all the way to Broadway.

  • Actors who want connections with industry professionals who could advance their career and a deeper understanding of the business of Broadway.

  • Artistic staff who want to get up to date on industry trends and make connections with professionals from across the country.

  • Directors who want to make connections with potential collaborators.

  • Theatre lovers looking to immerse themselves in the process of creating theatre and networking with professionals in the industry.


Want to join us and hundreds of theatre professionals in New York? Register while you still can and use code OPENSKY to save.

Charlotte's Marketing Plan


There’s an obvious problem when it comes to marketing. Tons of people want what you want, do what you do, and maybe even have more resources to do it. In other words, there is competition for our attention.

Remember the report from a few years ago stating that human attention spans are now shorter than those of goldfish? The media snacked on that for awhile, before it was busted as just a tasty soundbite.  

But the crumb of truth is that rather than getting shorter, our attention spans have evolved, and that we do pay attention, as long as the content is compelling enough to overcome the constant stimuli. In one of the greatest lines of all time from one of the greatest plays of all time, Linda Loman says at Willy’s grave, “Attention must be paid.”   

How did Arthur Miller get us to pay attention? What makes his content so compelling? Of course, you know! It’s story. Great story.

But how do you cut through all the noise to tell your story? Simply put, you need a plan.


One of the best plans ever came from the pen of E.B. White. Remember Wilbur and Charlotte? Fortunately, Wilbur shared his pigpen with the world’s best arachnid marketing expert. When Wilbur learned that he would be slaughtered once he got fat enough, Charlotte helped him develop a plan. 

Charlotte knew she needed to get people to pay attention, and her cobweaving of extraordinary adjectives was her plan to get that done. She got the whole menagerie to cooperate so she could call attention to this special pig. Charlotte’s fine webmanship saved Wilbur’s life. Now that was a terrific plan.


But, unless you happen to have a very talented and compassionate spider in your life, you need to know how to market yourself in the digital age. If you recall, Charlotte’s web was her last opus, and she died shortly after weaving it. Even if your marketing plan doesn’t literally kill you, it surely saps your energy and can be an exercise in frustration and ego deflation. So you’ve gotta focus on what’s important. And it all begins with your brand and digital presence. Lucky for you, we’ve got a free guide on 5 Essentials for a Strong Brand and Dynamic Digital Presence. You can download that over on our homepage. Happy planning!

Client Spotlight: Justin Guarini

Justin Guarini’s robust performance career launched with the first season of American Idol in 2002. His stage and screen appearances since then include Broadway productions of Wicked, American Idiot, Romeo and Juliet, In Transit, and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. Justin is a musical theatre coach and the host of the Audition Secrets podcast.

Justin has hosted shows shows like Idol Wrap and Idol Tonight along with live events for the TV Guide Network, the Oscars, the Emmys, and the Grammys. He continues to reprise his role as the lovable Lil’ Sweet in commercials for Diet Dr. Pepper.

Justin is a generous humanitarian: he has advocated for music education funding on Capitol Hill by lobbying for the International Music Products Association. He has worked with Education Through Music Los Angeles, a nonprofit utilizing music education as a catalyst to improve academic achievement, motivation for school, and self-confidence in underserved communities. Justin has also partnered with RandomActs.org and GISH.com to participate in global kindness campaigns.

Justin is dedicated to his loving family; his wife, daughter, and sons make up his happy home. It is here that he draws his support and the desire to live his best life.

Learn more about our awesome clients.

12 Simple Tips to Maximize Your Productivity

Feeling unmotivated? We’ve compiled 12 simple tips designed to re-energize and inspire you to maximize your productivity. Go get ‘em!


1. Find your window of peak productivity.

For some folks, it’s first thing in the morning. For others, it’s midnight to 3:00 a.m. However you work, try planning your day around the window of time that allows you to get the most accomplished with the least amount of distraction.

2. Stop multitasking.

Although lots of people claim to thrive while doing five things at once, we’ve found that doing so ultimately decreases the quality of your work. Instead, create a list of to-dos in order of importance, and tackle them one by one.

3. Set the mood with some background music.

Whether you prefer jazz, hip-hop, or EDM — or even the cacophany of a bustling coffee shop — the soundtrack can make all the difference when it comes to sustaining your productivity. Instrumental music is most likely to keep you distraction-free.

4. Take a break.

When you feel your focus and energy start to wane, don’t throw in the towel! Just take a 5 to 10 minute break: take a walk, grab a snack, or stretch. More often than not, you’ll come back refreshed and ready to dive back in!

5. Get specific.

When we feel overwhelmed by or, worse, disregard an item on our to do list, it’s usually because it’s not specific enough. Break down your tasks into individual, actionable steps so you know exactly what it will take to get them completed.

6. Sleep.

Eight hours minimum. No excuses. Just do it and thank us later.

7. Find the right environment.

Context is everything. If you work remotely, find the workspace that’s best for you. A coffee shop or coworking space lets you work where other people are working, but a library or your desk at home are quieter, more controllable environments.

8. Batch your emails.

Does your workflow get interrupted by a constant trickle of emails? Instead of leaving your Gmail tab open all day, try checking and responding in batches every 4 or 5 hours. If you’re bold, only check your email once a day and watch the spike in your productivity.

9. Just pick three.

Don’t get cocky thinking you’re going to knock out fifteen tasks in one day. Instead, set a realistic goal and tackle the 3 most crucial items on your to do list. Best case scenario: you’ll exceed your own expectations!

10. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Incentives work! If you are lacking in productivity, build in a reward at the end of the task that’s overwhelming you. These rewards could range from a latte at the coffee shop down the block to tickets to the performance you’ve been wanting to see.

11. Eat and drink well.

An engine is only as good as its fuel. Eating well and staying hydrated is as important for work as it is for the rest of your life! That loss of motivation you always feel in the middle of the day may actually just be dehydration.

12. Just start!

If you’re struggling to get things done, don’t just sit around waiting for the inspiration. Dive in, get going, make like Nike and Just Do It. Chances are the doing of the thing will inspire you to keep going.

Want some help? Schedule a call.

On the Road: Virginia Workshops with Justin Guarini


Broadway star, American Idol favorite, and our client Justin Guarini traveled to Stephens City Virginia this month to lead four performance workshops in partnership with CCLTalent. Designed for actors and singers ages 12 and up, these workshops focused on Pop Singing, Musical Theater, and Audition Techniques for Actors, providing valuable tools and techniques to performers of all experience levels.

Justin’s robust performance career launched with the first season of American Idol in 2002. His stage and screen appearances since then include Broadway productions of American Idiot, In Transit, Romeo and Juliet, Wicked, and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. He is also the host of the weekly podcast, Audition Secrets, with guests like Patti LuPone, Laura Osnes, and Laura Bell Bundy.

CCLTalent, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, is a full-service talent agency for all ages that specializes in children, teens and young adults. They collaborate with artists who possess a passion for the art, (theatre, musical theatre, film, television, new media and voice), an understanding of the industry, a dedication to continued training, and a strong work ethic.


12 #HashtagHolidays for Artists and Freelancers

While there are only ten federally recognized holidays in the United States, the canon of social media “holidays” is growing exponentially. We know artists and freelancers can’t resist a good celebration, so we put together a list of 12 #HashtagHolidays to help you plan your content — one for each month!


January 14: #CleanOffYourDeskDay is an opportunity to begin your new year with a clean and organized workspace. (We might suggest celebrating this holiday more than once a year.)

February 11: Celebrate the geniuses of the past and toast to your own innovations on #InventorsDay.

March 8: #NationalProofreadingDay isn’t just for grammar sticklers! Proofreading is a tedious but necessary step that tells your audience: “Attention to detail is our thing.”

April 16: National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day, or #PJDay, may be easier for those of us who work from home, but who says you can’t rock a onesie under that business attire?

May 21: #NationalMemoDay celebrates the ancient art of the memorandum. Memos can inform or persuade, but they should connect the purpose of the writer with the interests and needs of the reader. Use them wisely!

Jun 21: #TakeYourDogToWorkDay — need we say more?

July 15: #GiveSomethingAwayDay may have been inspired by the decluttering techniques of Marie Kondo, but we’re interpreting it as a reminder to offer free, valuable content to your audience or customers. Doing so builds trust in your brand which often leads to business.

August 15: #NationalRelaxationDay is your chance to kick back, unplug, and turn the push notifications off. You deserve it!

September 6: #ReadABookDay is an excuse to pick up that new bestseller you’ve been hearing about — or revisit an old favorite that inspires the work that you do.

October 30: #ChecklistDay is everyday. Set a goal, get ‘er done.

November 19: #EntrepreneursDay celebrates the folks who have built something from nothing and grown a business out of an idea and a passion — yourself included!

December 30: #NoInterruptionsDay is your last chance to get it done before a near year kicks off. Pour the coffee, put your headphones in, and do it to it!

Happy Holidays!

Client Spotlight: Meredith Joelle Charlson

Meredith Joelle Charlson is a contemporary dance and theatre choreographer based in San Francisco, California. She most recently assistant choreographed the world premiere of A Walk on the Moon at the American Conservatory Theatre and choreographed the world premiere of Tinderella: the modern musical at The Custom Made Theater Company. She has trained with Stanford University and Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company in Northern Israel. Meredith is a recipient of the Louis Sudler Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the field of Dance.

Learn more about our awesome clients.

Client Spotlight: Clipper Erickson


With training from Juilliard and Yale, Clipper Erickson has earned many prizes and widespread critical acclaim in his career as a pianist. He has played at Moscow Conservatory, Kennedy Center, and Carnegie Hall, and his performances demonstrate a commitment to underrepresented composers, past and present.

One of the finest pianists of his generation in interesting repertory that shows off his considerable skill and artistry as a consummate musician.
— David Canfield, Fanfare Archive

In addition to his powerful renditions of the great classical repertoire, Clipper continues to be active in premiering and promoting new works by American composers.

An essential part of Clipper's musical mission is the inspiration of future generations of musicians by encouraging the love of music through his commitment to education, performance in schools, and master classes. His teaching career has included appointments at Bucknell University, Temple University, and Westminster Conservatory. We are so happy to have him as our client!

Learn more about our awesome clients.